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How to choose Makeup Artist for your Wedding Day?

By Anna Merin, Makeup Artist and Trainer, Labella Taunton,  USA

In this blog we discuss the things to keep in mind before selecting the artist.

“Right makeup for your Big day can enhance your appearance and beauty”

  • Start Early:
    • Begin your search for a makeup artist well in advance, especially if you’re planning a wedding during peak seasons. This allows you to have a broader selection of artists and increases the likelihood of booking your preferred choice.
    • Look for makeup artists who specialize in bridal makeup. Look for versatility, as a good bridal makeup artist should be able to create a variety of looks to suit different preferences.
  • Read Reviews and Ask for Recommendations:
    • Read reviews from other brides and seek recommendations from friends, family, or other wedding vendors. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into the artist’s professionalism, skills, and how well they work under wedding day pressure.
    • Reading reviews and blindly going with them is a blunder because reviews are different for each of them and their experiences and each of them has unique skin types.
    • Getting suggestions from peers is ok, but the decision should be yours!!

Trial Makeup Session:

  • Schedule a trial makeup session with potential artists. This is crucial to ensure that the makeup artist understands your preferences and can create the look you envision. It also allows you to see how the makeup wears and if any adjustments are needed. 
  • Trial is an inevitable part of choosing because each of us has a unique skin type, tone, etc by undergoing a trial we could see how our skin reacts and also make sure, you click photos in your mobile phone with flashes on, to see the result. The result you see is approximately similar how you look in photographs. Ensure that the makeup translates into photographs, especially under different lighting conditions. On the Wedding or Reception day, you will be exposed to multi-lights on stage, photo flashes, and many more. So makeup which is creating too much sweat and discomfort and too much glossy is a great Red flag. 
  • You can also check how your skin reacts with makeup, and how you look with makeup, As I quoted in the inception of this blog, in contrast, the wrong makeup will be tantamount to bad photographs, and wedding videos it will be seen as odd. So choosing a makeup artist is an important process as important as selecting photo and videography.
  • Communication:
    • Effective communication is key. Choose a makeup artist who listens to your ideas, and is willing to work collaboratively to achieve the desired look. The ability to communicate well about your skin type perhaps any allergy, kindly inform the makeup artist prior.
  • Professionalism and Reliability:
    • Look for a makeup artist who is professional, punctual, and reliable. Your wedding day is a time-sensitive event, so you want someone who can work efficiently without compromising on the quality of their work.
  • Hygiene Practices:
    • Ensure that the makeup artist follows good hygiene practices. They should use clean tools and brushes and adhere to proper sanitation procedures to prevent any skin irritations or infections.
  • Product Knowledge and Quality:
    • High-quality, long-lasting products are essential for a flawless look that will last throughout the day and night.
  • Availability and Flexibility:
  • Confirm the makeup artist’s availability on your wedding date. Discuss their ability to accommodate any special requests or changes on the Big day. Flexibility is important as weddings can be unpredictable

Contract and Pricing:

  • Have a clear understanding of the makeup artist’s pricing structure. Ensure terms of service, including the date, time, location, and any additional fees.

By considering these factors and taking the time to research and communicate with potential makeup artists, you’ll increase the likelihood of finding the perfect fit for your bridal makeup needs.

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